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General Information
The duties and responsibilities of the Fairfield County Auditor are prescribed primarily in Title 12 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina and within the regulations as established by the South Carolina Department of Revenue (DOR) and the Comptroller General. We strive to provide the best and most efficient service to the citizens of Fairfield County.
Motor Vehicles:
Vehicle taxes are due the month your tag expires. In order to obtain a valid decal for your license plate, vehicle taxes must be paid. Your vehicle may qualify for a discount if you have high mileage. The mileage must be certified to the Auditor on or before the due date to qualify.
If your vehicle is over 15 years old, it does not qualify for the high mileage reduction. The value is already at a minimum charge.
High mileage may only be claimed when your vehicle is up for renewal and has to be appealed before the due date on your tax notice. Vehicles that classify as “350” or “3,500” series or higher are unable to qualify for high mileage. (Section 56-3-630) Motorcycles, campers and motorhomes cannot qualify for high mileage.
The high mileage discount for dealer notices comes from the Affidavit & Notification of Motor Vehicles.
Churches and other Non-Profit Organizations must file with the South Carolina Department of Revenue to be exempt.
Disabled Veterans that have a 100% service connected disability should file through the Office of Veteran Affairs.
Persons who are over 65 or are totally and permanently disabled should contact the County Auditor about exemptions.
Auditor Contact Information
Main Office Phone: 803-712-6524
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM
101 South Congress Street
Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180
Anne Bass
County Auditor
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