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Sheriffs Department Glow Run

Join Us For The Newly Annual, Law Dog Glow Run K9 5K 🦮🐾
This night time family friendly event, encourages you to bring your friendly four legged pup!
Glow sticks, necklaces, and bracelets will be provided to everyone who attends! ✨
Prior to the race events, there will also be a kid’s zone with a bounce house and a trunk or treat! 🎃
Date: October 26th
Trunk or Treat: 6:00pm
5K Walk: 8:00pm
5K Run: 9:00pm
Location: 300 Park Street, Winnsboro, SC 29180
All proceeds will go to: Fairfield County Sheriff's Office K9 Unit
In January 2024, the Fairfield County Sheriff's Office started a full time K9 Unit.  This unit is dedicated to serving the citizens of Fairfield County in South Carolina.  The K9s are certified in narcotic detection, tracking, and article search. The current Unit is made up of two K9/Handler teams. Alan Cox is partnered with K9 Dano and Andrew Ellison is partnered with K9 Gaia The money raised will go towards the necessities of the K9s. This includes, but is not limited to their food, vet bills, equipment, ballistic vests, and training. 
Both K9 Dano and K9 Gaia will be in attendance and photo opportunities will be available 📸
For More Information or To Register Now:
This is an event you won't wanna miss! 👻
See Ya There! 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
#strictlyrunning #seeya #k9 #k9unit #dog #dogs #puppy #puppies #trickortreat #kids #family #5k #walk #run #walking #running #fairfieldcounty #columbiasc #winnsboro #glow #glowsticks #cops #police #sheriff #event #halloween #protect #serve

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