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New Economic Development Project Manager-Devarius McDonald

Fairfield County would like to introduce Devarius McDonald; Devarius is the new Project Manager for Economic Development for Fairfield County. 
Let's get to know Devarius: 
College: Clemson University
Major: Economics 
Minor: Political Science
What do you want to bring to Fairfield County personally?
I am passionately committed to driving unparalleled economic prosperity and fostering inclusivity throughout Fairfield County. My vision extends beyond the mere attraction of major industries; I am determined to ignite a thriving culture of entrepreneurship, empowering every resident to contribute to our county's vibrant economic landscape.
What are your initial impressions of Economic Development in Fairfield County in your short time here?
In my tenure thus far, I've identified the precise pressure points that impede our county's development. Moreover, it's become evident that our strategic geographic positioning holds immense potential to catalyze a resurgence in our economy. 
Something interesting about yourself that you want the public to know?
I am thrilled to share my deep appreciation for history. I’m eagerly looking forward to exploring the legacy of our county by visiting its diverse array of historical sites and museums. 
Your vision for the future of Fairfield County?
I eagerly anticipate cultivating a robust and diverse economy while safeguarding the rural charm and cultural significance that define Fairfield County.
Join us in welcoming Devarius to the Fairfield County team!

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