Bridge Repairs Notice
Public Advisory from SCDOT:
The South Carolina Deportment of Transportation recently awarded a contract to Reeves Construction Company for the repair of the Fairfield Road (SC 215) bridge over Sandy River in Chester County.
The planned date to start construction is January 15, 2024; however, this could change depending on any issues that may arise during the development of this project. The estimated duration of construction is 90 days.
Due to the type of repairs necessary, the road will be closed at the bridge site and traffic detoured. The posted detour route will utilize West End Road (SC 72), JA Cochran Bypass (US 321), Columbia Road (US 321), Newberry Road (SC 34), and Fairfield Road (SC 215). The net detour length is approximately 62.5 miles. A map showing the detour is included. -SCDOT