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The Office of County Treasurer:
- Collects real, personal, motor vehicle and other taxes and fees and disburses the allocation of these funds to County government, municipalities, the School District and special taxing districts in Fairfield County
- Maintains records of all revenues collected
- Manages bond proceeds and debt service requirements for the County and School District
- Invests funds not necessary for current expenses
- Receives and deposits funds from other County departments
- Generates refunds checks to taxpayers for overpayments and adjustments
- Files reports and summaries for various government agencies
- Collects the annual renewal license fee on motor vehicles on behalf of the State of South Carolina
Other Helpful Information and Suggestions
In South Carolina, vehicle taxes are paid a year in advance. Property taxes are paid for the previous year. Please make a notation of the receipt number/numbers on your check when paying taxes. This enables accurate posting of your payment.
Also, we accept and prefer one check for multiple payments. If you are renewing your vehicle license tag, you can pay your taxes and renewal fee to the Treasurer’s office eliminating a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles. If your bill includes the renewal fee, please complete the insurance certification information, sign, and return when making payment.
If you receive a tax notice for a vehicle you no longer own, please contact the Auditor’s office. If you do not receive a tax notice on vehicles or property that you own please contact our office and we will connect you with the appropriate office.