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County Council


The Fairfield County Council is the elected governing body of Fairfield County.

Meetings are held for the transaction of official business on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 PM in the Fairfield County Government Complex Council Chambers unless otherwise specified by Council.

All meetings shall be open to the public except authorized executive sessions.

map showing the seven Fairfield County Council Districts

County Council Members

Dan Ruff - District 1

Dan Ruff Headshot

P.O. Box 128
Ridgeway, SC 29130
Phone: 803-801-3874
Fax: 803-337-8601

Term Expires: 12/31/2026

Number Of Years Serving On Council: 1st Term

Education: Erskine College - B.S. in Business Finance

Current Occupation: Owner of Ruff Hardware

Volunteer Activities/Community Involvement: Church and Chamber of Commerce

Hobbies: Hunting and fishing

Donald C. Goldbach Jr. - District 2

PO Box 62

Winnsboro, SC 29180

Phone: 803-801-3367

Term Expires: 12/31/2028

Number of Years Serving on Council: 1st Term


BS Chemical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh; Leadership courses; Lean Manufacturing & Six Sigma courses.

Current Occupation: Retired, Westinghouse Electric Company.

Volunteer Activities/Community Involvement: VFW Auxiliary Post 8346; Lake Wateree Association member; Neighborhood Short Term Rental Committee.

Hobbies: Spoiling four grandchildren; Home remodeling projects; Walking/Hiking; Golf.

Quote: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." -The signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Peggy Swearingen - District 3

Peggy Swearingen Headshot

218 Oakview Drive
Blair, SC 29015
Phone: 803-801-3879
Fax: 803-712-9287

Term Expires: 12/31/2026

Number of Years Serving on Council: 1st Term

Education: Vocational School

Current Occupation: Licensed Part-time Insurance Agent with Nationwide Insurance Company.

Volunteer Activities/Community Involvement: Fairfield County Electic Cooperative - District 4

Hobbies: Gardening, traveling, and spending time with my grandchildren

Quote: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” ~Matthew 7:12

Carl Bell, Vice Chairman - District 4

7 Fantasy Drive

Jenkinsville, SC 29065

Office: 803-815-4003
Phone: 803-801-3320

Term Expires: 12/31/2028

Number of Years Serving on Council: 1st Term

Education: B.S. in Political Science, University of South Carolina. A.S. Degree in Legal Studies, Queens College, London, England. Graduate (MS) degree in Counseling - University of South Carolina Graduate School. Twenty-two years veteran of US Navy.

Current Occupation: Paralegal with Terreni Law Firm, LLC, Columbia, SC

Worked in the legal profession for over 35 years – half of that in the US Navy.

Volunteer Activities/Community Involvement: Christian Education Director, Sunday School Teacher, Bible Study Teacher and Men’s Christian Education. Advocating for the treatment and support of Alzheimer love ones.

Hobbies: Physical training, exercising and healthy living, cooking and eating. An avid reader, baking, traveling and gardening.

Quote: “Learning never exhausts the mind.”   Leonardo da Vinci

Douglas Pauley- District 5

Douglas Pauley Headshot

3874 U.S. Highway 321S
Winnsboro, SC 29180
Phone: 803-801-3407
Fax: 803-712-6510

Term Expires: 12/31/2026

Number of Years Serving on Council: 2nd Term

Education: Graduate of Fairfield Central High School and the University of South Carolina with an Associate of Science Degree.

Current Occupation: Licensed Insurance Agent with Nationwide Insurance Company.

Volunteer Activities/Community Involvement: Member of Winnsboro Lions Club and also served on the Fairfield Behavioral Health Services Board.

Hobbies: DJ’ing, being outdoors and sports

Quote: “My goal is to take a positive stand for the citizens of Fairfield County and to always remain focused on our future.”

Oren Gadson - District 6

309 Park Street
Winnsboro, SC 29180
Phone: 803-801-9559

Term Expires: 12/31/2028

Number of years serving on Council: 1st Term

Current Occupation: Retired (Law Enforcement)

Volunteer Activities/Community Involvement: Volunteer at the Board of Disability and Special Needs.

Hobbies: Fishing and Hunting; Coin Collecting.

Quote: Everybody can have a seat at the table!

Clarence Gilbert, Chairman - District 7

Clarence Gilbert Headshot

1758 Pumphouse Road
Winnsboro, SC 29180
Phone: 803-801-3764
Fax: 803-712-6510

Term Expires: 12/31/2026

Number of years serving on Council: 2nd Term

Education: Palmer College, Associate Degree on Business Administration.

Current Occupation: Gilbert’s Landscaping and Lawn Service.

Church Activities: Deacon, Chairman of Finance Department.

Hobbies: Cars, trucks and spending time with family and friends.

County Council Contact Information

Main Office Phone: 803-635-1620

Fax: 803-712-6510

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM


250 N Walnut Street
Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180

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