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General Information
The Court of Common Pleas is the court of general jurisdiction over civil cases in Fairfield County except those cases in which the amount or value of property in dispute is less than $7,500. Cases involving money or property totaling less that $7,500 are heard in Small Claims Magistrate’s Courts.
The Court of General Sessions is the court of general jurisdiction over criminal cases in Fairfield County except most misdemeanor cases, which are usually adjudicated in the Magistrates’ Courts.
The Family Court is the sole forum for the hearing of all cases concerning divorce, legal separation, custody, visitation rights, termination of parental rights, adoption, child support, alimony, division of marital property, and change of name. The court also has exclusive jurisdiction over minors under the age of 17 alleged to have violated any state law or municipal ordinance.
The Register of Deeds is mandated by the South Carolina Code of Laws. The proper recording of documents provides notice to purchasers or creditors of the interest of others in the property and establishes priority of claims against that property. Generally, all instruments conveying an interest in real property must be recorded in that county’s Register of Deeds’ Office in order to be valid.
The Clerk of Court/Register of Deeds DUTIES:
- Process legal actions of a civil nature in which the demand or value of property involved exceeds $7,500
- Maintain the records of cases heard in the Court of Common Pleas which involved civil disputes between 2 or more parties
- Keep records of criminal cases heard in the Court of General Sessions, domestic relations, child support, interstate custody, abuse and neglect, domestic abuse, adoption and Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act cases
- Schedule Civil Jury and Non-Jury trials
- Keep records of judgments for the Court of Common Pleas
- Prepare and schedule hearing dockets for Family Court judges
- Collect and disburse court-ordered monies
- Maintain records of bond issues
- Keep records of the articles of association and limited partnership
- Record and maintain documents related to all land transactions including liens.
Clerk of Court Contact Information
Main Office Phone: 803-712-6526
Fax: 803-712-1506
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM
P.O. Drawer 299
Winnsboro, South Carolina 29180
Dorothy Boyd Belton
Clerk of Court
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Miranda Garcia Boyd
Chief Deputy
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Melissa Pridgeon
Register of Deeds Deputy
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Beverly Simmons
Family Court Deputy
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